Sunday, May 22, 2011

Newspaper Articles Compare and Contrast

Vietnam Articles 
During the Vietnam war the most widely used weapon was the helicopter because it was fairly new technology that could fly low, shoot weapons, and carry soldiers. In the war the main reason for the fighting was to contain the spread of communism. The Viet Cong's tactics of fighting was known as Gorilla Warfare using familiar terrain to their advantage. The Vietnam war was the first war to have the media actually in the fighting, informing the public about what was actually happening. Millions of people were killed in the war of Vietnam during the six and a half year "blood bath."

Both Vietnam and the war in Iraq are types of civil wars because of the way the countries were split in two. The war in Iraq is not popular in the United States and neither was the war in Vietnam. Many civilians from Vietnam and soldiers from the United States were killed in the war and the same thing has happened and is continuing to happen in the current war in Iraq. Both wars were highly unpopular because of the extensive involvement of the media. Both wars had thousands of protesters begging the government to end the fighting and bring peace. 

Iraq Articles 
Unlike the Vietnam war, there is "plenty of conflict" left in the war in Iraq. In this war we are fighting dictatorship rather than communism. Fighting continues in Iraq because after the fall of the dictator, the soldiers have nothing else to live for except to fight for a fake dream of making Iraq a dictatorship again. The economic crises the United States began to face during the war in Iraq causes a distraction from the disapproval of the war. The Untied States succeeded in Iraq more than Vietnam and is having progression in Iraq.

Articles Used:
The New York Times: Iraq
The Brussels Tribunal: Articles from inside Iraq

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