Sunday, May 22, 2011

Watergate Essay

     Watergate is a historical event that many people have heard about. However, many Americans don’t know exactly what happened. It was a scandalous occurrence that changed history. A president wanted to win so his followers created a plan to help him do so.  That led to the Watergate scandal.
     Watergate is a hotel in Washington D.C. that was used as the democratic offices/headquarters. President Nixon was sketched out by everybody so he wanted to see what the democrats were doing. Bernard L. Barker, Virgilio R. Gonzales, James W. McCord, Eugenio R. Martinez and Frank A. Sturgis broke into the Watergate hotel to wire tap the phones and spy on the democrats. A man put a new piece of tape on the door and that’s how they were discovered.
     There is no evidence that Nixon ordered the break in but some people believe he did. The break in occurred on June 17, 1972.  After the burglars were caught, an investigation took place to find out who ordered the break in. Nixon asked the CIA to tell the FBI to stop investigating the scandal so the CIA could take over but they were really just going to cover up what happened. Most of the public wasn’t concerned with the incident until the government learned more about Nixon’s involvement and when he was on the road to being impeached. He resigned before he could be impeached.
     Watergate had a huge impact on The United States of America. Many citizens lost faith in the government. The media is now more aggressive and always looking for scandals. The reporters that investigated Watergate, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, started what is now called investigative reporters.  A lot of Americans no longer trust their government because of that single incident.
     Watergate was the largest political scandal to ever occur. It changed lives and many things about how we run the government today.  Many people don’t trust the government anymore and that ruins how things are run. A lot of people’s jobs were lost because of this incident and some say many republicans switched to democrats because they thought what Nixon did was so wrong. It is an event that will always be remembered.

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